


Adaptive Skills

Self-help skills the child uses for daily living (such as feeding, toileting, dressing).

Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)

Design, implementation and evaluation of an environment to produce improvements in behavior

At- Risk

A term used to describe children vulnerable to problems with their development.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

(ASD) An umbrella term used to describe an array of neurobiological disorders that affect a child's ability to interact, communicate, relate, play, imagine, and learn. The autism spectrum consists of the following disorders: Autistic Disorder or Classic Autism, Rett's Disorder or Rett Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Asperger's Disorder or Asperger Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS).



The vocalization that is the precursor to real speech. Children typically begin vocalizing at 6-9 months old.

Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP)

A plan to manage a child's problematic behavior. Includes fostering positive behavior, environmental changes, reinforcements other necessary supports.



A descriptive term encompassing the mental processes of knowing, perceiving, remembering, judging, and reasoning.


Deliberate, repetitive behaviors or actions with a set of rules for completion. May involve counting or cleaning and can be identified early through restricted patterns of interest.


Developmental Delay

Evidence a child is not functioning at an expected level for his/her age.

Developmental Milestones

Markers of ability used to monitor a child's development. These guideposts consist of skills and behaviors that should be developed by a certain age.


A physical or mental condition likely to lead to a developmental delay.


Early Childhood Intervention

A support system designed for children with developmental delays or disabilities and their families.


The repetition of words, phrases, intonation, or sounds of others. Children with ASD use this in the process of learning to talk and serves a communicative purpose for the child.

Elementary Asperger Service

Resource service where students attend classes in a comprehensive elementary school buildings. Students served by this model have a diagnosis of Aspergers Disorder. The students function in the average to high average range of intellectual ability and receive instruction on the general education curriculum, with enrichment as appropriate.

Elementary Autism Service

Resource service where students are placed in classrooms that offer a highly-structured school day and individualized learning opportunities. Curriculum is modified as appropriate to support student strengths and needs. There is a continuing emphasis on the development of language, social skills, and student independence. The teaching procedures are based on Applied Behavior Analysis.  Students participate with non-disabled peers, as appropriate.

Elementary Learning Center (ELC)

Resource service where students are placed in self-contained classrooms while in a comprehensive elementary school buildings. Students served by this model have a diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder and need significant learning and social supports as a result of their disability. The classrooms offer a highly-structured school day and individualized learning opportunities. Curriculum is modified as appropriate to support student strengths and needs

Emotional Regulation

Voluntary and involuntary responses by a child to internal and external sensory input. The child adjusts emotions and behavior to the surroundings. Many children with ASD have difficulties with adjustments and exhibit abnormal or inappropriate responses.

Expressive Language

Verbal behavior or speech. The ability to form sounds into words which can be strung into sentences.

Eye Gaze

Nonverbal form of communication. The act of looking at another individual's face to see what they are looking at and then signal interest in interacting.


Functional Analysis of Behavior

A term used to describe children vulnerable to problems with their development

Functional Play

A term used to describe children vulnerable to problems with their development



Abnormal sensitivity to sensory input. Many children with ASD are extremely sensitive to commonplace sounds, sights, tastes, touch, and/or smells. Typically, this input triggers a defensive, negative response.


Abnormal insensitivity to sensory input. Under-reaction to sound, sight, taste, touch and/or smell. A child may appear to be deaf or have a high tolerance for pain. May lead to aggressive behavior in searching for sensory stimulation.


Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

An agreement between the parent(s) of a child with special needs and the child's school system that outlines special services and instructional services.

Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)

The birth-3 year old equivalent to the Individualized Education Plan. A document created between the parent(s) of a child with special needs and early intervention professionals to outline goals for the child's development.

Insistence on Sameness

Rigid adherence to routines or activities. Disruptions may be described at "catastrophic." Children with ASD may use sameness as a coping mechanism.


Nonfunctional Routines

A term used to describe children vulnerable to problems with their development

Nonverbal Behaviors

A term used to describe children vulnerable to problems with their development


Occupational Therapist

A professional who evaluates fine motor (small muscle) and self-care skills.

Occupational Therapy

Professional services offered to assist with self-help skills, adaptive behavior, and sensory, motor, and postural development.



Repetition of a behavior with an appearance of "being stuck" in that behavior.

Perseverative Speech

Repetitive use of language or repetitive mention of a specific topic. Appearance of "being stuck" in the need to verbalize specific words, phrases, or topics.

Pervasive Developmental Disorders

Umbrella term to describe Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Positive Behavior Support

 Analysis of a child's problematic behavior and identification of the reasons and triggers for the behavior then the teaching of proper and expected behavior.


The rhythm and melody of spoken language. Includes rate, pitch, stress, inflection intonation. Children with ASD that verbalize tend to have odd intonation in their speech, flat, monotonous or sing-songy. Children with ASD that have limited speech tend to make unusual sounds.


Receptive Language

The ability to understand words and comprehend sentences produced by others.

Regulatory and Sensory Systems

The internal systems that control ability to register and respond to internal sensory input and external stimuli.

Repetitive Motor Mannerisms

Repetition of movements or posturing of the body. May include hand and body movements, and odd postures of body parts. These movements or postures do not appear to have meaning, but are typically significant to children with ASD.

Restricted Patterns of Interest

Limited range of interest that are intense in focus. These interests tend to be narrow and rigid and appear to be obsessions.


Repeated behaviors that appear to be meaningless but are repeated by an individual in certain situations or circumstances.


Self-Stimulating Behaviors

Self-stimulating movements, postures, and/or mannerisms significant to the performer. Typical in children with ASD.

Sensory Input

Internal (heart rate, body temperature) and external (sights, sounds, tastes, etc.) sensations.

Sensory Stimulation

Behaviors performed to stimulate internal response. May be for avoidance, attention requests, or a means of soothing. Appear meaningless to everyone but the person performing the action.

Social Interaction

Verbal and/or nonverbal behavior used to communicate with others.

Social Reciprocity

Back and forth flow of social interaction. A persons behavior influences another's behavior and so forth.

Special Needs

A term that describes a child with a mental or physical disability that requires special services or treatment.

Stereotyped Behaviors

Abnormal or excessive repetition of actions.

Stereotyped Language

Abnormal or excessive repetition of words or phrases.

Symbolic Play

When a child pretends to be something or someone else and perform actions typical of that person or thing.


Tactile Defensiveness

A strong, negative response to sensations. Specific to touch--touching something or being touched.


The process of a child moving from an early intervention program to a preschool program or other support service.