Treatment & Therapy

While there is no known cure for Autism Spectrum Disorder, there are treatment and education approaches that can address some of the challenges associated with the condition. Intervention can help to lessen disruptive behaviors, and education can teach self-help skills for greater independence.

Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapy

ABA is a well-developed scientific discipline that focuses the use of effective interventions to produce meaningful changes in human behavior. Through assessments and objective data, ABA uses treatments that can produce practical and significant changes in your child’s behavior and skills, such as improved communication, socialization, and safety. Check out the graphic below for more information about ABA and how it works.

Speech Therapy

Speech-language therapy can help people with autism improve their verbal, nonverbal, and social communication. The overall goal is to help the person communicate in more useful and functional ways.

Communication and speech-related challenges vary from person to person. Some individuals on the autism spectrum are not able to speak. Others love to talk, but have difficulty holding a conversation or understanding body language and facial expressions when talking with others.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy (OT) helps people work on cognitive, physical, social, and motor skills. The goal is to improve everyday skills which allow people to become more independent and participate in a wide range of activities. 

For people with autism, OT programs often focus on play skills, learning strategies, and self-care. OT strategies can also help to manage sensory issues.



Are ABA, Speech and Occupational services covered by insurance?

Yes, ABA, Speech and Occupational therapy is often covered by health insurance. In some cases, a doctor must state that the therapy is medically necessary for health insurance to provide coverage.


How can ABA build social interaction skills?

ABA assists in developing social interaction skills when working on programs related to turn-taking, conversation and other skills that neuro-typical kids may pick up naturally. By identifying those individual areas where a child on the spectrum has deficits and building the developmental skills using ABA, social skills can be remediated.

How do ABA and Speech Therapy help language and communication?

Both ABA and Speech Therapy teach receptive, and expressive language skills by working on structured programs to measure vocabulary and expand capabilities in matching features and functions.


What areas are addressed in OT Treatment?

Occupational therapy treatment encompasses several areas of performance. All treatment plans and therapy goals are created and implemented based on the child's individual needs.

  • Fine Motor Skills

  • Self- Care Skills

  • Gross Motor Skills

  • Sensory Skills

  • Visual and Oral Skills

  • Neuromotor Skills

Will my child ever talk?

Children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder have an amazing ability to develop. Many will develop babbling vocalizations that can eventually be shaped into language. Nevertheless, there are many other functional means of communicating including using pictures, gestures, and sign language. Adaptive technology is also available and becoming more cost effective 


When is the best time to begin therapy?

The earlier, The better. Clinical research has demonstrated that children who start ABA therapy as early as possible (~2 years old) make the most significant improvements in their areas of deficit.