About Us

AUesome Heroes is a Foundation that seeks to ignite the conversation surrounding Autism Syndrome Disorder (ASD); by Uniting Unbounded Heroes and Caregivers.

Our Mission is to promote Advocacy and Awareness, while Disseminating Information and Resources; both Local and Federal, to Parents, Caregivers and Individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

AUesome Heroes Foundation was founded in 2019 by Candice Fordyce. Candice resides in Montgomery County, Maryland and is a mother of two children diagnosed with ASD.

In 2011 she was inducted into the “AUesome Moms Club” with the medical diagnosis of her eldest child. During this time she engulfed herself in all things surrounding Autism and Developmental Delays. She sought out for a space that would unify the Autism community.

This lead to the creation of the AUesome Heroes Foundation.

Candice Fordyce
CEO, Founder